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Game Environment Concepts

Character Concepts


Arcade Anarchy - Enemy Idle/Death Animations

Mad Rat Dead x Everhood custom battle mod - Cactus Nightmare Sprites

They're groovin!

Cabinet Man Fan Music Video

3D Virtual Envrionments 2 Final - Abandoned Lab Walkthrough

Game Art

VS. Offiz

An Undertale-like boss battle I initially made for my Game Concepts 2 midterm in Spring 2023If you'd like to play it yourself, it can be found HERE!

Dust Buster


A short platforming level I made for my Programming for Creatives final back in Fall 2022 and arguably my first attempt at making something of my own in the Unity Engine.I plan on revisiting this concept very soon, so stay tuned!

VS Nightmare

(Everhood Custom Battle Mod)

This was a custom battle I had made for Everhood's Year 1 Custom Battle Contest in early 2022, and while I didn't place I did receive an honorable mention. Pretty cool considering this was my first foray into working with the Unity Engine!If you have Everhood and would like to give it a shot, you can download it HERE


Hello hello! I'm Lex!

I mainly specialize in 2D art, animation, and games, though I occasionally dabble in 3D from time to time as well! Currently I am a student at The University of the Arts, set to graduate with a BFA in Game Art in May 2025.When I'm not creating I'm usually looking for new games to play and get inspired by! I have a soft spot for 2D RPGs or platformers with unique art styles and characters.